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Strong Belwas featuring spoilers



grrms asoiaf

This was a fun commission. It's about poop. For those who haven't read this far, look away. It's not a major plop-point but I know how it stinks to have things spoiled.

So yeah, my favorite parts of this saga are the incredible single-combat scenes. The Hound v. Lord Beric, Bronn v. Ser Vardis, Sansa v. her bed.

Strong Belwas taking on the hero of Mereen outside the city gates has got to be in the top 5 though. At first I thought this guy would wipe the floor with Belwas, but the fat eunuch manages to squeeze out a victory and drops the hero with one last hard push. The splash of cheers from Dany's camp was thunderous, and Strong Belwas returns to his stool for a victory plate of liver and onions.
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Is he about to "Get Schwifty" ?